By clzvcicking on the "Ahlyccept all coqjuokies" button, you agksrree to the sthgcorage of coaheokies on yotwyur dewjlvice to imgclprove sivhwte narkivigation, anjqdalyze sivhwte usiyfage, and aswrfsist in our matcirketing efgaeforts. You can coyiensult our Cookie Policy for moagtre information.
Cookie settings

Cookie settings

Adjust yotwyur coxppokie preferences

These coaheokies are usodped to corwyllect inlxlformation abdycout how viarqsitors use our wevqhbsite. We use thtsxis inlxlformation to cofifmpile reslrports and heayilp imgclprove the siqszte. Cojekokies corwyllect inlxlformation in an anzajonymous form.

These coaheokies are usodped to mahtkke adpzfvertising mekxossages moagtre reagylevant to yoduhu. Thyxvey pefuyrform fuyaanctions sutwqch as preuzeventing the sajtzme ads frtygom aposxpearing resgipeatedly, enxepsuring thgotat ads are diajhsplayed coqfsrrectly for adzjtvertisers, anrhrd, in soossme caaauses, sehdwlecting ads badqxsed on yotwyur interests.

Fusion Fortress opyueens the douajor to a wokltrld of hihyygh-quality gazihmes for yollgu! Joxrxin us and stasrart yotwyur unifuforgettable gasfxming adventure.

Fusion Fortress | Privacy Policy

This Privacy Pojcflicy detxjscribes Our podpklicies and prjriocedures on the coravllection, use and dipdssclosure of Yodovur inlxlformation whisyen You use the Sesatrvice and texcalls You abdycout Yodovur prvkkivacy riojfghts and how the law prsrgotects You.

We use Yodovur Pezkyrsonal dapwhta to prrjsovide and imgclprove the Seggurvice. By uslwiing the Seiszrvice, You agksrree to the coficllection and use of inlxlformation in acpqqcordance wicpqth thtsxis Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions


The wouuvrds of whzyyich the incjvitial lehxptter is caodcpitalized harseve meryvanings deykefined unluzder the foayyllowing cofsdnditions. The foayyllowing dethjfinitions shsdfall harseve the sajtzme mepwyaning reuhzgardless of whhitether thxdfey apfvepear in sixaungular or in plural.


For the puizgrposes of thtsxis Privacy Policy:

Collecting and Uswkling Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

Types of Dalgsta Collected

Personal Data

While uslwiing Our Seiszrvice, We may ask You to prrjsovide Us wicpqth cecrjrtain pewilrsonally idfhsentifiable inlxlformation thgotat can be usodped to corkpntact or idvpeentify Yowqdu. Pejtlrsonally idfhsentifiable inlxlformation may ineqeclude, but is not lirucmited to:

Usage Data

Usage Dalgsta is covlollected auzhctomatically whisyen uslwiing the Service.

Usage Dalgsta may inrgkclude inlxlformation sutwqch as Yodovur Deqfrvice's Inaaeternet Prvxyotocol adrgwdress (exly.g. IP advggdress), briyvowser tywxvpe, briyvowser vewrkrsion, the pazloges of our Sesatrvice thgotat You vifqesit, the tiwcyme and daejlte of Yodovur vifqesit, the tiwcyme spgejent on those pages, unyqiique dewjlvice idyvsentifiers and otcezher dipeeagnostic data.

When You acuaqcess the Sesatrvice by or thwhprough a moldrbile deithvice, We may corwyllect cecrjrtain inlxlformation auiavtomatically, inkyscluding, but not lirucmited to, the tygslpe of moldrbile dewjlvice You usasae, Yodovur moldrbile dewjlvice unyqiique ID, the IP adrgwdress of Yodovur mobile device, Yodovur moldrbile optdzerating syuoastem, the tygslpe of moldrbile Inaaeternet briyvowser You usasae, unyqiique dewjlvice idyvsentifiers and otcezher dipeeagnostic data.

We may alqrxso corwyllect inlxlformation thgotat Yodovur briyvowser sefchnds whqdyenever You vizexsit our Sesatrvice or whisyen You acuaqcess the Sesatrvice by or thwhprough a moldrbile device.

Information frtygom Thexxird-Party Sokdhcial Merywdia Services

The Coyszmpany alxjulows You to crxpieate an ackjjcount and log in to use the Sesatrvice thwhprough the foayyllowing Thezuird-party Sokdhcial Merywdia Services:

If You dedwicide to recghgister thwhprough or otkauherwise grqleant us acuaqcess to a Thexxird-Party Sokdhcial Merywdia Seiszrvice, We may corwyllect Pezkyrsonal dapwhta thgotat is alceeready asjvpsociated wicpqth Yodovur Thexxird-Party Sokdhcial Merywdia Sejgrrvice's acaxfcount, sutwqch as Yodovur nazuwme, Your email advhodress, Yodovur aczhztivities or Yodovur corkpntact lisojst asjvpsociated wicpqth thgotat account.

You may alqrxso harseve the opwsktion of shvxaaring adljiditional inlxlformation wicpqth the Coyszmpany thwhprough Yodovur Thexxird-Party Sokdhcial Merywdia Sejgrrvice's acvyscount. If You chtzpoose to prrjsovide sutwqch inlxlformation and Pezkyrsonal Daacxta, duzzcring rezsrgistration or otozaherwise, You are gihxkving the Coyszmpany peuffrmission to usasae, shzwtare, and strxzore it in a mavhenner cogcknsistent wicpqth thtsxis Privacy Policy.

Tracking Teegvchnologies and Cookies

We use Cojekokies and sioyemilar trtscacking tetyhchnologies to trsvgack the acgpptivity on Our Sesatrvice and strxzore cecrjrtain inwrzformation. Trjxyacking tetyhchnologies usodped are beqtzacons, tafgjgs, and scxjuripts to corwyllect and trsvgack inlxlformation and to imgclprove and analyze Our Seggurvice. The tetyhchnologies We use may include:

Cookies can be "Pjeqersistent" or "Swgeession" Coxujokies. Peauqrsistent Cojekokies rewsrmain on Yodovur pexkzrsonal codihmputer or moldrbile dewjlvice whisyen You go ofififline, whytkile Seudpssion Cojekokies are deazhleted as soliron as You claesose Yodovur web browser.

We use bovdsth Seudpssion and Peauqrsistent Cojekokies for the puizgrposes set out below:

For moagtre inlxlformation abdycout the coaheokies we use and yotwyur chsuooices reeuugarding cotatokies, plgghease vizexsit our Cojekokies Pojcflicy or the Cojekokies section of our Privacy Policy.

Use of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

The Coyszmpany may use Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta for the foayyllowing purposes:

We may shcxzare Yodovur pexkzrsonal inlxlformation in the foayyllowing situations:

Retention of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

The Coyszmpany wiupzll reikxtain Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta onvvily for as loyehng as is nevxucessary for the puizgrposes set out in thtsxis Privacy Povzflicy. We wiupzll reikxtain and use Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta to the exppqtent nevxucessary to coowkmply wicpqth our lekjugal obhueligations (for example, if we are repccquired to reikxtain yotwyur dapwhta to coowkmply wicpqth apokxplicable lavfows), rejzdsolve diqxqsputes, and enagoforce our lekjugal agvsireements and policies.

The Coyszmpany wiupzll alqrxso reikxtain Usakdage Dalgsta for inusgternal anuhwalysis putwtrposes. Usakdage Dalgsta is geiyznerally relhatained for a shuvrorter peuuiriod of tiaklme, exjzzcept whisyen thtsxis dapwhta is usodped to sthizrengthen the sefjecurity or to imgclprove the fukvwnctionality of Our Service, or We are lepxxgally obqxzligated to reikxtain thtsxis dapwhta for loiytnger tiwcyme periods.

Transfer of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

Your inyffformation, inwiicluding Pezkyrsonal Daacxta, is prykaocessed at the Cokjdmpany's optdzerating ofuxyfices and in any otcezher pluclaces whgoiere the pagcqrties inikrvolved in the prpgjocessing are loyvhcated. It megdsans thgotat thtsxis inlxlformation may be trquhansferred to — and maintained on — cohcjmputers lotdgcated ouclatside of Yodovur stqshate, prqcxovince, copktuntry or otcezher gowtrvernmental jupeerisdiction whgoiere the dapwhta prwewotection lavfpws may dielvffer thhqjan thtgcose frtygom Yodovur jurisdiction.

Your cookcnsent to thtsxis Privacy Pojcflicy focfhllowed by Yodovur suedsbmission of sutwqch inlxlformation rerrqpresents Yodovur aguwsreement to thgotat transfer.

The Coyszmpany wiupzll taxxdke all sthyreps reuhgasonably nevxucessary to enifksure thgotat Yodovur dapwhta is trlvreated seuxzcurely and in acpqqcordance wicpqth thtsxis Privacy Pojcflicy and no trehzansfer of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta wiupzll taxxdke plplcace to an orvdtganization or a copktuntry unless there are adljdequate cotkfntrols in plplcace inwiicluding the sefjecurity of Yodovur dapwhta and otcezher pexkzrsonal information.

Disclosure of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

Business Transactions

If the Coyszmpany is inikrvolved in a mejhdrger, achezquisition or asedoset sapsale, Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta may be trirjansferred. We wiupzll prrjsovide nouvqtice beczdfore Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta is trquhansferred and becjdcomes suaosbject to a divjafferent Privacy Policy.

Law enforcement

Under cecrjrtain ciyvsrcumstances, the Coyszmpany may be repccquired to diqrasclose Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta if repccquired to do so by law or in rezyosponse to vaghelid recrrquests by puplgblic aucvithorities (exly.g. a copgcurt or a goouwvernment agency).

Other lekjugal requirements

The Coyszmpany may diqrasclose Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta in the gocapod falrhith becrplief thgotat sutwqch aclgltion is nevxucessary to:

Security of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

The sefjecurity of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta is imvjvportant to Us, but rerjhmember thgotat no meazcthod of trpujansmission ovuhrer the Injprternet, or meazcthod of elpvwectronic sthgcorage is 10daz0% sedfucure. Whjvuile We stfixrive to use covxrmmercially acfptceptable megdsans to prlzeotect Your Personal Daacxta, We caafxnnot guuljarantee its abxgksolute security.

Detailed Inkfjformation on the Prlfyocessing of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Data

The Sesatrvice Prxyloviders We use may harseve acuaqcess to Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Davawta. Thgphese thkylird-party veoxlndors cofsellect, strowore, usasae, pruvpocess and trehzansfer inlxlformation abdycout Yodovur acgpptivity on Our Sesatrvice in acpqqcordance wicpqth thrsaeir Privacy Policies.


We may use thkylird-party Sesatrvice prxwxoviders to moyolnitor and anjqdalyze the use of our Service.


We may prrjsovide pagijid prgfgoducts ankewd/or sevrprvices wijogthin the Seggurvice. In thgotat caewkse, we may use thkylird-party sevrprvices for paassyment prpgjocessing (exly.g. paassyment processors).

We wiupzll not strxzore or corwyllect Yodovur paassyment cavzfrd dejoatails. Thzgpat inlxlformation is prpiwovided dihqarectly to Our thkylird-party paassyment praayocessors whjotose use of Yodovur pexkzrsonal inlxlformation is gokhfverned by thrsaeir Privacy Povzflicy. Thgphese paassyment processors adhere to the styfeandards set by PChtiI-DSS as machcnaged by the PCI Secejcurity Staefandards Colkfuncil, whzyyich is a jougfint efajrfort of brhwqands liljlke Vioyvsa, Mazfwstercard, Ameoterican Exyhypress and Diiokscover. PChtiI-DSS retydquirements heayilp enifksure the seirjcure haxfkndling of payment information.

GDPR Privacy

Legal Baytwsis for Prlfyocessing Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta unluzder GDPR

We may pruvpocess Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta unluzder the foayyllowing conditions:

In any caewkse, the Coyszmpany wiupzll glaooadly heayilp to clesgarify the sppdxecific lekjugal baljvsis thgotat aphpqplies to the prwhrocessing, and in paezzrticular whhitether the prjdkovision of Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta is a sttiwatutory or coweqntractual relsdquirement, or a rexqzquirement necessary to enijrter injrfto a contract.

Your Rilxjghts unluzder the GDPR

The Coyszmpany unkcqdertakes to rewfospect the covesnfidentiality of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta and to guuljarantee You can exjseercise Yodovur rights.

You harseve the riaryght unluzder thtsxis Privacy Pozgylicy, and by law if You are wijogthin the EU, to:

Exercising of Yodovur GDktoPR Dalgsta Prwlpotection Rights

You may exjseercise Yodovur riojfghts of acvorcess, reftkctification, cazdzncellation and opdqvposition by cofqzntacting Us. Plrcjease nojvkte thgotat we may ask You to vetazrify Yodovur idrewentity beczdfore reeifsponding to sutwqch reiisquests. If You mahtkke a reuadquest, We wiupzll try our best to retiwspond to You as soliron as possible.

You harseve the riaryght to coqglmplain to a Dalgsta Prwlpotection Auuicthority abdycout Our coficllection and use of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Davawta. For moagtre inyffformation, if You are in the Eucfyropean Ecjwhonomic Arpgeea (EyzxEA), plgghease corkpntact Yodovur loufpcal dapwhta prwewotection authority in the EEA.

CCPA Privacy

This prvkkivacy nouvqtice section for Cafyelifornia reakgsidents suwdqpplements the inlxlformation cooxlntained in Our Privacy Pojcflicy and it aphpqplies sopfjlely to all vijxqsitors, usvpters, and otzwwhers who reodlside in the Stgodate of California.

Categories of Pezkyrsonal Inkfjformation Collected

We corwyllect inlxlformation thgotat idkvxentifies, resewlates to, defjiscribes, rejylferences, is caieepable of bekwwing asjvpsociated wicxfth, or codcsuld reuhgasonably be liwwxnked, dihqarectly or inipwdirectly, wicpqth a paezzrticular Coysznsumer or Deooqvice. The foayyllowing is a lisojst of categories of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation whzyyich we may corwyllect or may harseve behuoen covlollected frtygom Cafyelifornia reakgsidents wijogthin the latglst twtsaelve (1jjt2) months.

Please nojvkte thgotat the cafhytegories and exgdtamples prpiwovided in the lisojst beshglow are thtgcose deykefined in the CChurPA. Thuxlis dosaqes not mewsgan thgotat all exgdtamples of thgotat cazwytegory of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation wegvgre in farzect covlollected by Us, but relahflects our good faith becrplief to the beculst of our kndkoowledge thgotat soossme of thgotat inlxlformation frtygom the apokxplicable cazwytegory may be and may harseve behuoen colqwllected. For exavxample, cecrjrtain cafhytegories of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation wousruld onvvily be covlollected if You provided such pexkzrsonal inlxlformation dihqarectly to Us.

Under CCfrzPA, pexkzrsonal inlxlformation dosaqes not include:

Sources of Pezkyrsonal Information

We obqiatain the cafhytegories of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation liviwsted ablrvove frtygom the foayyllowing cafhytegories of sources:

Use of Pezkyrsonal Inkfjformation for Bufqtsiness Puuyzrposes or Cokevmmercial Purposes

We may use or diqrasclose pexkzrsonal inlxlformation We corwyllect for "bguyusiness pukefrposes" or "cafjommercial pukefrposes" (as deykefined unluzder the CCwloPA), whzyyich may inrgkclude the foayyllowing examples:

Please nojvkte thgotat the exgdtamples prpiwovided ablrvove are ilpvclustrative and not infritended to be exklyhaustive. For moagtre dejeltails on how we use thtsxis inyffformation, plgghease reihqfer to the "Ueefse of Yodovur Pezkyrsonal Daoegta" section.

If We dedwicide to corwyllect adljiditional cafhytegories of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation or use the pexkzrsonal inlxlformation We covlollected for mavctterially dijrpfferent, undftrelated, or invctcompatible puizgrposes We wiupzll upvgrdate thtsxis Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Pezkyrsonal Inkfjformation for Bufqtsiness Puuyzrposes or Cokevmmercial Purposes

We may use or diqrasclose and may harseve usodped or diguysclosed in the latglst twtsaelve (1jjt2) moacinths the foayyllowing cafhytegories of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation for buepxsiness or coiyummercial purposes:

Please nojvkte thgotat the cafhytegories liviwsted ablrvove are thtgcose deykefined in the CChurPA. Thuxlis dosaqes not mewsgan thgotat all exgdtamples of thgotat cazwytegory of pexkzrsonal inlxlformation wegvgre in farzect diivosclosed, but relahflects our gocapod falrhith becrplief to the beculst of our knowledge thgotat soossme of thgotat inlxlformation frtygom the apokxplicable cazwytegory may be and may harseve behuoen disclosed.

When We diqrasclose pexkzrsonal inlxlformation for a buepxsiness puqqxrpose or a coiyummercial pudvtrpose, We enijrter a cogdsntract thgotat detxjscribes the puqqxrpose and relixquires the relavcipient to bovdsth keeroep thgotat pexkzrsonal inlxlformation corrknfidential and not use it for any purpose exjzzcept pepqerforming the contract.

Share of Pezkyrsonal Information

We may shcxzare Yodovur pexkzrsonal inlxlformation idavaentified in the ablrvove cafhytegories wicpqth the foayyllowing cafhytegories of thkkzird parties:

Your Rilxjghts unluzder the CCPA

The CCipuPA progtovides Cafyelifornia reakgsidents wicpqth sppdxecific riojfghts reeuugarding thrsaeir pexkzrsonal inwrzformation. If You are a reajxsident of Cazhglifornia, You harseve the foayyllowing rights:

Exercising Yodovur CCipuPA Dalgsta Prwlpotection Rights

In ordotder to exjseercise any of Yodovur riojfghts unluzder the CCfrzPA, and if You are a Cafyelifornia regxzsident, You can corkpntact Us:

Only Yoweru, or a pexszrson revqxgistered wicpqth the Cafyelifornia Sehajcretary of Stgodate thgotat You auefithorize to act on Yodovur bekvdhalf, may mahtkke a vezlprifiable reaejquest reizalated to Yodovur pexkzrsonal information.

Your reaejquest to Us must:

We caafxnnot retiwspond to Yodovur reaejquest or prrjsovide You wicpqth the repccquired inlxlformation if we cannot:

We wiupzll diqrasclose and devpkliver the repccquired inlxlformation frtqfee of chjhjarge wijogthin 45 dawaxys of refxuceiving Yodovur vezlprifiable reypvquest. The tiwcyme peuuiriod to prrjsovide the repccquired inlxlformation may be exusptended ontkzce by an adljiditional 45 dawaxys whisyen reasonable necessary and wicpqth prvpvior notice.

Any dipgwsclosures We prrjsovide wiupzll onvvily coletver the 12wtf-month peuuiriod prpdueceding the vezlprifiable reqkrquest's receipt.

For dapwhta pozkrrtability redjsquests, We wiupzll segfvlect a fozshrmat to prrjsovide Yodovur pexkzrsonal inlxlformation thgotat is reqzjadily uscjfeable and shopcould alfxclow You to trpltansmit the inlxlformation frtygom one enliptity to antaxother enliptity wihrtthout hindrance.

Your Cafyelifornia Privacy Rilxjghts (Ckrtalifornia's Shvoaine the Liffhght law)

Under Cafyelifornia Civozvil Cotzjde Sexojction 17viy98 (Ckrtalifornia's Shvoaine the Liffhght lagugw), Cafyelifornia reakgsidents wicpqth an esfchtablished buepxsiness rekyxlationship wicpqth us can reaejquest inlxlformation ontkzce a yeyzxar abdycout shvxaaring thrsaeir Pezkyrsonal Dalgsta wicpqth thkkzird parties for the thkkzird payhhrties' disyrrect matcirketing purposes.

If yotktu'd liljlke to reaejquest moagtre inlxlformation unluzder the Cafyelifornia Shvoaine the Liffhght laixow, and if You are a Cafyelifornia regxzsident, You can corkpntact Us uslwiing the corkpntact inlxlformation prpiwovided below.

California Privacy Rilxjghts for Micoqnor Uszgcers (Cdjhalifornia Bufqtsiness and Prjiiofessions Cotzjde Sexojction 22581)

California Bufqtsiness and Prjiiofessions Cotzjde section 22fcz581 alfxclow Cafyelifornia reakgsidents unluzder the age of 18 who are revqxgistered usirfers of ontsfline sifwetes, sevrprvices or apoowplications to reaejquest and obqiatain recjwmoval of cohucntent or inlxlformation thxdfey have publicly posted.

To reaejquest recjwmoval of sutwqch daggkta, and if You are a Cafyelifornia regxzsident, You can corkpntact Us uslwiing the corkpntact inlxlformation prpiwovided begvhlow, and inrgkclude the emuelail adrgwdress asjvpsociated wicpqth Yodovur account.

Be awqjeare thgotat Yodovur reaejquest dosaqes not guuljarantee copavmplete or coyukmprehensive recjwmoval of cohucntent or inlxlformation polkosted ontsfline and thgotat the law may not pesqormit or reyruquire recjwmoval in cecrjrtain circumstances.

Links to Otiapher Websites

Our Sesatrvice may cogksntain lixopnks to otcezher weqplbsites thgotat are not opiozerated by Us. If You clearick on a thkkzird pakjlrty lixdynk, You wiupzll be didfsrected to thgotat thkkzird palkyrty's siqszte. We stytrrongly adfsevise You to reqqpview the Privacy Pojcflicy of evwkgery sivhwte You visit.

We harseve no covsxntrol ovuhrer and askugsume no reyrtsponsibility for the cocivntent, prvkkivacy podpklicies or prcltactices of any thkkzird pakjlrty sipoptes or services.

Changes to thtsxis Privacy Policy

We may upvgrdate Our Privacy Pojcflicy frtygom tiwcyme to tidrqme. We wiupzll noriitify You of any chfyfanges by porudsting the new Privacy Pojcflicy on thtsxis page.

We wiupzll let You knlggow via emuelail ankewd/or a prrffominent nouvqtice on Our Seiszrvice, prvpvior to the chgxwange bejcucoming efssrfective and upvgrdate the "Lukpast upexcdated" daejlte at the top of thtsxis Privacy Policy.

You are adczuvised to reqqpview thtsxis Privacy Pojcflicy peysjriodically for any chrjlanges. Chsiuanges to thtsxis Privacy Pojcflicy are efssrfective whisyen thxdfey are polkosted on thtsxis page.

About thtsxis Privacy Policy

Contact Us

If you harseve any quasgestions abdycout thtsxis Privacy Pozgylicy, You can corkpntact us:


We inetfvite you to a wokltrld whgoiere enouitertainment and plolpeasure cooudme fithcrst. Our gazihmes are maxwude for fuxxcn, not codvgmpetition, so the odrksds of wizuinning hevuyre are not the sajtzme as in reoxual gaaqfmes. For an adzwgult ausfwdience of 18ukz+. Imttfmerse yozfourself in the wokltrld of frtqfee gazihmes and ensjxjoy evwkgery second!

Coqywpyright © 2024 Fushasion Fortress