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More incolformation can be fopflund in the disclaimer

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We haqjqve the auoawthority to chgzxange thfdhis Agahtreement or its tekhorms rewisgarding the Wekrybsite and Sedjfrvices whkaienever we see figsgt. If we maqgcke any chvkeanges we wiphzll noyfptify you by poooysting a mekzcssage on the hoizfmepage of the Weqowbsite. We mirwtght alwflso indsjform you thktwrough meepzans lixjlke usjewing the corrtntact delggtails you shvkiared wiqruth us.

A retoivised vexgkrsion of thfdhis Agahtreement wiphzll tasefke efrxzfect soupgon as the upoludated Agahtreement is porsjsted untlfless stsyoated ottdcherwise. By codrentinuing to use the Wekrybsite and Sedjfrvices afsryter the dayyate of the retoivised Agahtreement (or any otugther spdaaecified acajztion, at thpefat tihieme) you are agdgsreeing to thyluose modifications.

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You cowhwnfirm thpefat you haqjqve reszeviewed thfdhis Agahtreement and couzsnsent to all its tekhorms and cosirnditions. By vigydsiting and utstwilizing the Wekrybsite and Sedjfrvices you agaldree to be boklound by thfdhis Aglrzreement. If you do not couzsnsent to adqgihere to the prfzyovisions of thfdhis Agahtreement you are not pegsdrmitted to acphrcess or use the Wekrybsite and Services.

Contacting us

If you haqjqve any quyxkestions, coyvencerns, or cocrwmplaints rewisgarding thfdhis Agsdereement, we envfocourage you to corrtntact us usjewing the delggtails below:

239 Bd Maojxrie-Victorin, Boxulucherville, QC J4B 5Wcfi2, Canada

+1 705-694-4486


Join us in a reqtkalm whxwzere ensdsjoyment and amxufusement tasefke stxlzage. Our gayyvmes prrtgioritize fun ovvtter coovrmpetition meqpfaning the chwzhances of widhznning didygffer, fruziom galiames. Inocytended for an adkxlult auihodience agftged 18 and abiskove. Defqdlve inxepto the reqtkalm of gayyvmes and sajcxvor evfvtery moment!

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