This Ag
reement ou tlines the te rms and co nditions, for us ing the We bsite and its Se rvices. It is a bi nding co ntract, be tween you (r eferred to as "U ser" or "y ou") and the We bsite. If you are re presenting a bu siness or an other le gal en tity you co nfirm th at you ha ve the au thority to ag ree to th is co ntract on th eir be half. If you la ck au thority or do not ag ree wi th th ese te rms pl ease re frain fr om ac cepting th is Ag reement and do not use the We bsite and Se rvices. By ac cessing and ut ilizing the We bsite and Se rvices you ac knowledge th at you ha ve re ad, co mprehended and co nsented to ab ide by the te rms of th is Agreement. This Ag reement se rves as a co ntract, be tween you and the we bsite de spite be ing el ectronic and not be aring yo ur si gnature. It ou tlines the te rms of yo ur use of the We bsite and Services.If you de
cide to cr eate an ac count, on the We bsite it is yo ur re sponsibility to en sure the se curity of yo ur ac count. You are ac countable for all ac tivities ca rried out un der yo ur ac count and any re lated ac tions. We re serve the ri ght th ough not ob ligated, to re view ac counts be fore gr anting ac cess to st art us ing the Se rvices. Pr oviding co ntact in formation co uld le ad to the te rmination of yo ur ac count. In ca se of any use or se curity br eaches you mu st pr omptly in form us. We sh all not be he ld li able for any ac tions or ov ersights on yo ur pa rt, in cluding any re sulting da mages. If we fi nd th at you ha ve vi olated any te rms of th is Ag reement or if yo ur be havior or co ntent po ses a ri sk, to our re putation we may su spend, di sable or de lete yo ur ac count (or pa rts of it ). If we de lete yo ur ac count for th ese re asons you wi ll not be ab le to re gister for our Se rvices. To pr event re gistrations we may bl ock yo ur em ail ad dress and In ternet pr otocol (I P) address.We do not cl
aim ow nership of any da ta, in formation or ma terial (r eferred to as "C ontent") th at you pr ovide on the We bsite wh ile us ing the Se rvice. It is yo ur re sponsibility to en sure th at all su bmitted Co ntent is ac curate of qu ality, re liable, ap propriate and th at you ha ve the ne cessary in tellectual pr operty ri ghts to use it. We re serve the ri ght to mo nitor and re view the Co ntent su bmitted or ge nerated by you on the We bsite us ing our Se rvices. By us ing our Se rvices you gi ve us pe rmission, to ac cess, co py, di stribute, st ore, tr ansmit fo rmat if ne cessary di splay and pe rform the Co ntent fr om yo ur us er ac count so lely for de livering the Se rvices to yo u. Wh ile we are not ob ligated to do we ha ve the di scretion to re fuse or de lete any Co ntent th at we be lieve vi olates our po licies or is de emed ha rmful or ob jectionable in our ju dgment. Yo ur us age of the We bsite and Se rvices do es not au tomatically gr ant us pe rmission (u nless sp ecifically au thorized by yo u) to ut ilize, re produce, mo dify pu blish or di stribute any Co ntent cr eated by you or st ored in yo ur us er ac count, for ma rketing pu rposes or si milar objectives.We do not ta
ke re sponsibility, for the co ntent fo und on the we bsite. Un der no ci rcumstances wi ll we be he ld ac countable for any lo ss of co ntent. It is yo ur re sponsibility to en sure th at you ha ve ba ckups of yo ur co ntent. Ho wever in si tuations and wi thout any ob ligation th ere may be in stances wh ere we can po tentially re store so me or all of yo ur de leted da ta fr om a da te and ti me wh en we had ba cked up da ta, for our own us e. Pl ease no te th at we ca nnot gu arantee the av ailability of the da ta you require.While the We
bsite and Se rvices may pr ovide li nks, to so urces li ke we bsites or mo bile ap plications we wa nt to cl arify th at we are not im plying any ki nd of ap proval, as sociation, sp onsorship, en dorsement or af filiation wi th any li nked re source un less ex pressly me ntioned he re. It is im portant to no te th at we do not ta ke re sponsibility for re viewing or as sessing the of ferings of bu sinesses, in dividuals or the co ntent of th eir re sources. We do not ac cept any re sponsibility or li ability for the ac tions, pr oducts, se rvices and co ntent pr ovided by pa rties. It is ad visable for you to ca refully re ad the st atements and us age co nditions of any re source you ac cess th rough a link on the We bsite. Yo ur de cision to vi sit, off si te re sources is do ne at yo ur risk.To the ex
tent al lowed by the law un der no ci rcumstances wi ll the we bsite, its pa rtners, di rectors, em ployees, ag ents, su ppliers or li censors be he ld ac countable, for any in cidental da mages. Th is. Is not li mited to lo st pr ofits, re venue, go odwill, bu siness in terruption or any ot her co nsequential da mages. Re gardless of the th eory in volved – wh ether co ntract br each or ne gligence – ev en if wa rned in ad vance of da mages. The to tal li ability of the we bsite and its af filiates co ncerning se rvices wi ll be ca pped at one do llar. The am ount pa id to the we bsite in ca sh du ring the mo nth le ading to su ch li ability. Th ese li mitations ho ld tr ue ev en if th is re medy fa lls sh ort in co mpensating for lo sses or fa ils to me et its in tended purpose.More indisclaimer
formation can be fo und in theWe ha
ve the au thority to ch ange th is Ag reement or its te rms re garding the We bsite and Se rvices wh enever we see fi t. If we ma ke any ch anges we wi ll no tify you by po sting a me ssage on the ho mepage of the We bsite. We mi ght al so in form you th rough me ans li ke us ing the co ntact de tails you sh ared wi th us.A re
vised ve rsion of th is Ag reement wi ll ta ke ef fect so on as the up dated Ag reement is po sted un less st ated ot herwise. By co ntinuing to use the We bsite and Se rvices af ter the da te of the re vised Ag reement (or any ot her sp ecified ac tion, at th at ti me) you are ag reeing to th ose modifications.You co
nfirm th at you ha ve re viewed th is Ag reement and co nsent to all its te rms and co nditions. By vi siting and ut ilizing the We bsite and Se rvices you ag ree to be bo und by th is Ag reement. If you do not co nsent to ad here to the pr ovisions of th is Ag reement you are not pe rmitted to ac cess or use the We bsite and Services.If you ha
ve any qu estions, co ncerns, or co mplaints re garding th is Ag reement, we en courage you to co ntact us us ing the de tails below:239 Bd Ma
rie-Victorin, Bo ucherville, QC J4B 5W 2, Canada+1 705-694-4486
Join us in a re
alm wh ere en joyment and am usement ta ke st age. Our ga mes pr ioritize fun ov er co mpetition me aning the ch ances of wi nning di ffer, fr om ga mes. In tended for an ad ult au dience ag ed 18 and ab ove. De lve in to the re alm of ga mes and sa vor ev ery moment!Co2024 Fu sion Fortress
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